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Showing posts with label current. Show all posts

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Auto insurance coverage recommendations that can help you save money. That's what we want to go over today. First off use those auto insurance comparison that are provided to you for free. It's an excellent way to find a great deal on your insurance rates, and to keep your current company in line.

You should really check a couple of times each year and do a comparison. Even if your rate has stayed the same, you never know if another company is going to be lower, and save you money. But especially if your company has raised those rates, and you're not sure why.

Go online and pull up an auto insurance comparison and see what you can find that may save you some cash each month. It won't hurt and your company won't even know that you had this done. A way that you will be able to make sure that your company is continuing to give you a good deal on insurance rates.

If you want to adjust how much you pay, the easiest way to do so is adjust the deductible that has been set on your policy. The higher the amount of deductible that you have, the cheaper your policy will be. Some people figure that setting this to the highest amount is okay, even if it's a huge amount.

Though you need to consider your driving record, because that amount of deductible is going to be your responsibility if you get into an accident and it's your fault. Getting your car fixed and having a huge deductible will mean you may not be able to get the car fixed.

So decide which is a better idea for you, a high deductible, or one that you will be able to handle if you have to pay it. You never know when an accident may happen, so yes you may be getting lucky, but many people won't care. They are only hoping to save the money each month. That savings can add up after a while too.

Recently a friend increased their deductible and saved over $30 per month, over 12 months that is a nice amount of money they now have in their pocket. So it's a great way that you will save money. If you have students look for any discounts that you can get on your policy. Because when you add them to that policy, your rates will increase.