Your marital status affects your car insurance rates. Yes it's true, if you are
single, divorced, or even widowed, it can add to your auto insurance premium.
It is not uncommon for many auto insurance companies to levy this marital
status penalty. In fact, it's perfectly legal in most states for insurers to practice
this type of discrimination. However, insurance companies will argue that the
actuarial tables back up their guidelines; much like younger drivers being
more likely to be involved in an accident, the same statistics show that
unmarried individuals are more accident prone than their counterparts.
If you're single, you may want to try a little experiment next time you get an online car insurance quote.
Get two quotes, keep all info identical except for the marital status, checking one as single and the other
as married. This may shed some light on which insurers still utilize these practices. Fortunately, the very
act of shopping around for the best car insurance company should eliminate these types of companies,
leaving you with a combination of the highest quality and most competitive auto insurer.