The first thing you have to do is to find out about the minimum liability requirement is that you will have to meet in the state. Every single state will have different requirements and while these will often be fairly similar, you need to know exactly what level of insurance you have to meet before you consider anything else.
You may also look into the possibility of qualifying for low income insurance in the state. If you are a single person and are earning less than $25,000 you might well qualify for some subsidies. This will also stretch up to families of six and earning $70,000 or less, with other families with the numbers between also having to qualify by meeting certain restrictions. If you are able to qualify for this sort of subsidy you are likely to keep your insurance costs for the year below $500.
As mentioned, you will certainly need to meet the minimum insurance requirements for the state, but anything above this is completely down to you. As such you may consider the possibility of simply purchasing this coverage and nothing more. You need to consider how often you drive your vehicle, the sort of vehicle you drive, and who drives it, but for some it might be financially viable to get some very low levels of insurance to save money.
Of course, simply search online for cheap auto insurance companies is another way to go. The Internet is a wonderful resource that will allow you to get in contact with all sorts of different companies easily. As such, spending some time looking through options would be a good way to find some more affordable insurance quotes.
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